The Kristen Becker Podcast

How to Make Choices For Career & Business Shifts

August 25, 2021 Kristen Becker Season 2 Episode 33

Whether you are just starting out on your career journey or changing gears in a job or business, you're going to have to make a lot of choices. You want to be careful to really choose and not just "pick". In this episode, we talk about the difference and even how you can prime your own subconscious programming to help broaden your choices.

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Today we're talking about the critical difference between choosing and picking a young person like my son who's in college making a lot of choices, entrepreneurs, every entrepreneur that I know, including all of the students in the success incubator have so many passions and so many possibilities, this is perfectly normal, and it's a really good thing. But at some point, you got to make a choice, right to go fully and deeply into one thing, and make the most of it and bring it to life and let it evolve and develop you and then decide when and where you want to pivot and what you're going to do next. But we're all the way back to the choice, right, you got to make a choice. And when I think about a choice versus picking and the difference, sounds come to mind. You know, when you make a choice, you feel your way through it, you consider so many things, you reflect so much. And when you come to the point that you make a choice, I think the sound would be something like, ah, I made that choice that evening. Whereas when you pick, it's more like, oh, that'll do, I picked on, I don't have to make a choice now because I pick something. But the choice is the pivotal point right where things shift and go in a new direction. And that's what we are talking about, it's so important to think outside the box to think beyond the, quote, safe bets, right. And my son, of course, is in college and considering all sorts of career options, and what he might major in, and the things that are safe bets, the they're not really safe, it's just that so many people are doing it that it seems safe. But the problem with that is, because so many people are doing it, you are really a devalued commodity, you are grinding it out with a bunch of other people with the exact same skill set and experience and that type of thing. So the quote, more risky options really aren't any more risky. They're just there's not a really clear paved path. But that's really good, because that's where you can really dig in and grow and be innovative and creative and do all the things that make life feel more juicy and alive, right? And create a niche for yourself and an expertise. I listened to a great book on my way to the beach this summer. It's actually free on Audible. If you're a subscriber called no fears, no excuses. And in it, the author really paves the way for looking at unique ways to combine different interests and passion and skill set to create a whole new, unique offering. And that could be in a career field or in a product or service. And while these types of options can seem more intimidating, because there's not that clear path, the you know, safety numbers, the very clear way to accomplish it, it can seem more intimidating, but it is in fact more valuable out in the world, right and to yourself as you grow. And To this end, I wanted to talk about case studies. In my success incubator, we have a homework assignment and one of our mindset units in our course. And that is to find case studies of people who have achieved what you're seeking to achieve or are innovative and pioneering in something relative to what you're doing. And this is really fascinating why this is so important and valuable to you. When you read about these people read about their story, their journey, read their books, follow them on social media, what you start doing is believing that what they are doing is possible for you in your own unique way with your own unique spin on it right. And this is really important because we have in our minds a filter, right, a relativity filter, which of all the 1000s of bits of data that we're bombarded with in any second of any day, is filtering out the ones that aren't relative to what we really believe. So if you're completely surrounded with all the, quote, safe options and safe bets, you really believe that's the best thing. And that's what is possible for you. So your filter is going to let in things that support that and keep you on that path very securely, safely, efficiently, subconscious, you know, autopilot on that path. However, when you start branching out, and expanding your ideas about what is possible by doing these case studies following these people, then your subconscious filter, your relativity filter is going to start letting in all the bits of data that support that. So now all the sudden, seemingly out of nowhere, you say, Gosh, this opportunity popped up or I learned about this thing, or I discovered this, which really helps me do something. And so in the decision making process, I very, very highly recommend seeking out and following pioneers that are doing anything related to what you're doing, doing exactly what you want to do, or just things that support that. So when you're faced with a choice, whether it be a career choice, a pivot in your career choice, an entrepreneurial choice of what am I going to focus on next? What am I going to do next? start seeking out And following innovators, pioneers, right. It's going to upgrade your own subconscious programming and your own beliefs about what's possible. So have fun with that, and I will talk to you in the next episode.

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