The Kristen Becker Podcast

Freedom to Succeed- The Map is Not The Territory

July 07, 2021 Kristen Becker Season 2 Episode 25

Expanding your perceived limits in life can be as simple as getting a new map. Join me to explore the NLP-based idea that 'the map is not the territory" and start expanding (or removing!) your own boundaries in life. 

This is part 2 of a 3-part series on Freedom. Be sure to check out the other 2 episodes  (34 & 36). 

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Today we're talking about how to create more freedom in your life by throwing away the map, or at least creating a new map. And here's the deal. in NLP, we have a principle called the map is not the territory. And the map is essentially your beliefs. It's your programming or your conditioning, whatever you were taught growing up by people around you, family, schools, every job you probably ever had. And these beliefs create boundaries for you in your life. And this programming creates boundaries for you in your life and upper limits that you can't seem to get beyond right, because you have the subconscious map that you feel defines your territory, whether you consciously realize it or not, but it's happening, you can literally ball up that map and toss it like just completely throw it away, create a new map, find your way as you go along, you know, whatever is working for you, but just starting to look at any area of your life, like whether it be your career, your business, your relationships, your physical vitality. What is the map that I'm currently keeping myself within the boundaries of with regard to this, right? And when you start thinking about ways, how can I stretch my boundaries? Why are there boundaries? You know, do I even want boundaries? Or what do I want to do here, right? And then you have to start asking yourself questions. And these questions are where you become like the, what? cartographer, you're a cartographer of your own map of your own life. And why am I limiting myself in this place? What do I need to do to stretch beyond it? What can I do what's outside of my control that I don't want to focus on? In what unexpected ways can I do things change things take different actions that will expand my boundaries or completely remove my boundaries in this area of my life. So be your own cartographer, look at your life as a map and it's, I think, helpful just to do one area at a time but whatever huiling blow it all wide open if you want. I do that sometimes. And just remind yourself that the map is not the territory. Pretty simple. Have fun with it.

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