The Kristen Becker Podcast

Purpose- It Doesn't matter WHAT You Do- This Is What Matters!

Kristen Becker

Don't even waste your time stressing over "what you do" - the title, the business, the job- all take a back seat to knowing this!

This is part 2 of a 3-part series on living life on purpose. Be sure to check out the other two episodes (26 & 28).

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If you've been avoiding thinking about your purpose and really digging in deep and knowing what your purpose is, because it seems understandably overwhelming, vague, esoteric, listen up, because today, we're gonna look at it from a whole new perspective, which is really empowering. And the thing that we tend to do is we look at it in terms of the what, what, what you do, what is your job title, right? What's your role? What's your business? Now, here's a spoiler alert. Everything is hard. growing a business is hard. Jobs are hard, relationships are hard. We get on the inside and discover that there are all these challenges, and then it's actually really hard. But here's the thing about challenges. We really hate them when they are not tied to a purpose. And you find yourself kind of going, you know, why am I even doing this? Right? You hate something? There's no purpose tied to it. And you just think why am I even doing this? When I was 15, I worked at Hardee's for like three days. I hated it. I hated everything about it. And I especially hated mopping the floors, right? There was no purpose. There was no why tied to it. And I just hated it. So I quit. And then about a year later, I started bartending at the age of 16, which is like a whole nother story for another day. But I loved it. It had a why I loved the money. I loved the socializing. It was a really fun environment. It was like the hippest dance club in the city, right? So you better believe that when I got the word that somebody had spilled a drink on the dance floor, I grabbed that mop. I had pride and precision. I was on the dance floor, moving people out of the way taking care of business, so the party could go on. Okay, I had a purpose, I had a why the challenge of mopping was completely transformed. Now fast forward to my 25 plus year career as an entrepreneur, two thirds of which really hinged on what if you asked me what I did, I could say I own a retail boutique on Main Street in Ellicott City. I own an e commerce store that's been in Better Homes and Gardens and instyle magazine. It was all about the what? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So it wasn't until I got the clarity of my why right? That everything shifted all the sudden I had brilliant ideas. I was bold, I was purposeful. I was passionate. All the stuff that's still hard. Love it right? Because it fulfills my Why? In my case, I lost two people that I love dearly, in a year and a half. And that's was my wake up call. Right? And I kind of felt like Charlton Heston in something like green when he's like it's people. Soylent Green is people and I was like, Oh my god, you guys, it turns out, we are all really gonna die. We have to live lives that are true to our souls, we have to do it. We can do it. You know, this is passion. This is my why this is my purpose. endeavoring to bring our entrepreneurial dreams to life does not happen in a vacuum. We need each other. We need inspiration. We need guidance, we need strategic practical assistance. This is my why. And knowing this magnificent wide changes the experience entirely. I am approaching it and moving through it and looking at it from a completely different perspective. I have unlimited energy, I have unlimited passion, right? I know no limits, because my Why is so empowering. And here's the interesting thing. There is many what's there's many ways I could achieve this. Why write Unlimited, in fact, it doesn't even matter what the word is anymore. It's irrelevant, because everything I do hinges on the Y. So when you take the focus off of the what, and put it on the y, then it really transforms absolutely everything that you do your, your business, your job, your relationships, everything and those challenges that I mentioned earlier, they just completely changed. They all of a sudden become empowering the the ways that you accomplish things right, rather than roadblocks and obstacles and things that you don't like. So you can take this and anything that's important to you in your life. Just put the word aside, right? And start thinking about the why and really reflecting on it. And I guarantee you it will absolutely change the way you look at it and the clarity with which you understand it and approach it. And hey, there's good news. We have one more absolutely awesome purpose episode on Friday. Tune in and I'll see you there.

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