The Kristen Becker Podcast

Creating Video Content That Keeps Viewers Coming Back For More

Kristen Becker Season 2 Episode 24

Do your viewers watch all of your videos and eagerly anticipate your next one?  Discover three things you can do when creating your videos that will keep your viewers coming back for more!

This is part 2 of a 3-part series on videos that convert. Be sure to check out the other two episodes (23 & 25).

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Hey, are people excited about your video content, gobbling it up, watching it all the way to the end and waiting for the next piece to come out? Well, if not listen close, because we're going to be talking about three ways to make that happen. Now, the first two ways revolve around content or what you're putting out in your videos. And third thing is about how, let's begin with content. Before you do anything in your business, you really want to know what your ideal customer is. And you may certainly have an avatar, right? an idea of what their needs are, what their pain points are, what their values are, their style, what they think is interesting, funny, engaging, whatever, you always want to approach your content, from the very getgo, with your ideal consumer of that content in mind. And I like to say consumer, because a lot of people create videos, not necessarily related to a brand or a product, but just as entertainment or building audience, or that is your business. Once you have that, and frankly, I if it were me, I'd write that down on top of a piece of paper, titled, you know, video content, right, so a little synopsis or snapshot of your ideal video consumer. Next, you want to consider the pillars of your business, Every business has something called a unique selling proposition. This is how you do what you do what makes you unique from all of the other competitors and options that people have. So you want to be aware of your USP or unique selling proposition. And with in that the couple of pillars of how you deliver this, right, what you're all about, and things are often best understood by example. So let me give you one, my pillars are, number one, living a purposeful, self driven life on your own terms, that's, you know, exciting, you're passionate about. Number two, mindset and habit as it relates to living your passions, growing your business, and making your business how you support yourself in life, because we know that mindset and habit is, you know, really 80 90% of the game there, folks. And the third thing is business and marketing strategy. Because again, my whole business happens to be around helping people to grow their businesses, and live their passion through their entrepreneurial business. And so these are my core pillars. So I make sure that all of my content generally falls around these. Now, within some of these, there are things called value sharing content. And that's like a subset. So as an example, because I really enjoy novel experiences in high quality of life, I might share a piece of video content about something adventurous that I'm doing right because it's relevant. And it's a value sharing content. I also personally love eating really healthy food. However, I'm not going to share a video about how to season your cast iron pans on my business accounts, right? Maybe on my personal account. But that's not really relative. But I want people to know that when they come there, what they're going to see from my ideal people who share my values and my goals and passions in life, that they'll be like, yeah, this is interesting or helpful or resonated. So that is what you can do to make sure people always have high expectation, when they see you've posted some new video content, they want to gobble it up, they watch it to the end, they enjoy it, they look forward to the next thing that's coming. And so that's the what right, what are you creating, who are you creating for next we have the how how you deliver it. And the thing is, you really want to be authentic, you want to be emotional, you want to be yourself, you want to let some type of feeling and emotion come through. We've all seen those just, you know, painful to watch talking head videos, honestly, I've made them that's going to my next tip is relative to that I'm going to share it with you. And the next two, really, and the thing is, it just takes practice, you got to keep on keeping on creating that video content, more and more and more. And sometimes I will personally create a video content, sometimes two or three times before I say, Oh, yeah, I nailed it that you know, embodied my passion or my my emotion. Sometimes the first couple of times, Are you just getting in the habit of saying what you want to say. And to that end, I highly recommend that you create an outline. And instead of really trying to follow a script, now you can write out a script. The more you engage with what you want to say, the more naturally you'll be able to say it. So for example, today, I was driving home from my son's graduation. And in my mind, I was saying all the stuff that I want to say to you guys, so by the time I sat down and hit record, I'd already gone over it so many times in my mind that it's comes out really fluidly. And if you could see me right now, I would convey that as well, you know, with my gestures and my facial expressions. So practice in general, big picture practice, but then also practice what you're gonna want to say. And this will begin to come more and more naturally, and you'll have to practice less and less. And then my final tip, something I did for a while is hugely helpful to me, when I first started creating my personal development training courses, which were all video based. I actually printed out an eight by 10, glossy picture of a friend of mine, who I have very natural, comfortable conversation with. And I taped it to the camera to the tripod. So when I was recording, I was literally looking at her. And I was just thinking, Oh, I'm just talking to Pam, just me and Pam, we are having a little chit chat. And it helped me to come across more comfortably, right. And actually, I have one more quick thing I want to fold in experiment with different settings, environments, ways that you shoot, maybe you feel comfortable sitting down, maybe it feels better to be standing up, maybe out in a natural environment or an inspired space. Or maybe you're like, Nope, I just want to be sitting in my house, right? Or I have this one spot, whatever. But as you experiment with stuff and do all this practicing, you're gonna find the things that really click and then you can come back and actually look at your engagement numbers on social if you're posting the content on social and see what resonated with people and then look over that and be like, Alright, you know, what are all the things I did there so I can learn, learn from what I'm doing and keep improving. And that's all I got on that. But it's really, it's easy, but it's important. And if we don't think about it, then we're just winging it. And we might miss a lot of opportunities to create more engagement and get your very valuable message out in front of people. It's what you want to do. So have fun with it. I'll see you in the next episode, where I'm going to be talking about calls to action in your video content. It's very important. We tend to forget it

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