The Kristen Becker Podcast

Letting Go- Expanding Your Boundaries

Kristen Becker Season 2 Episode 20

Most people live their whole entire lives in a very small zone of growth and experience. Discover how you can use the letting go process to live more fully!

This is part 3 of a 3-part series on Letting Go. Be sure to check out the next two episodes (18 & 19),

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Welcome to the five minute success mindset. I'm Kristen Becker from Brillane Welcome to part three in ou three part series on letting go make sure you check out th first two episodes before thi because Hello, three par series. And today we're talkin about letting go of the need fo comfort. Sounds crazy, in fiv minutes, you're going to be s stoked to let go of your nee for comfort. And here's th thing, a comfort equal stagnation to change in reall any way in life, which i transformation to grow i uncomfortable, there is going t be discomfort. So when you see to always maintain comfort, the what you're giving up is growt and transformation. And it' fear, you know, we have fear o the unknown. Well, this i known, it might not be ideal but it's known and therefor comfortable. And I'm going t maintain it is the stance tha we will frequently take However, when you do get ove that fear and push through it you find that there's highe emotions on the other side o that, you know, that little bi of discomfort actually raise you. And I mentioned I think i the first episode on the series Dr. David Hawkins, and h created 1000 point scale o emotions. And you know, they'r associated with our well bein this because lower on the scal is things you would expect fear anger, resentment, shame, tha sort of thing. higher on th scale is love and joy and peace And that's obviously where we' want to be. But here's the craz thing. Most people only mov about five points on 1000 poin scale during their lifetime. An the reason is because they ar maintaining their curren comfort level, you know wha they currently know, they're no willing to face the discomfor that's required to go a littl higher up the scale. But if yo keep your eyes on the prize, an look at where you're going, it' totally worth it to have tha temporary discomfort right now so that you can get to a highe place on the scale and feel mor consistent. joy, peace, lov right? Now, I used to have thi experience where whenever I wa transforming to a higher plac on that scale, I would get ver anxious, and I didn't know al this stuff back then. All I kne was it didn't feel good. And i could go on potentially fo days, depending on how much was stretching myself into a ne place. Right. And then once learned more about it an recognize the association, tha that was fear, and discomfort you know, with change, then actually started to get excite when I would feel that feeling I would feel that feeling and b like, oh, wow, okay, wait, wait wait, I'm transforming, how am transforming? Let me see, an become more aware of it, an really lean into it and enjo it. And I don't get it as muc anymore. I think just becaus I've been become so comfortabl with the discomfort, you know like, excited by it, I see i for the blessing that it is. An that's the thing. During tha uncomfortable period, whe you're growing throug something, you want to bless it thank you for giving me thi absolute clarity about what i not acceptable to me or how don't want to live or, o whatever that is self love whe you have when you are willing t work through the discomfort t grow, right. So to look at i that way as a blessing an actually get excited about it i another example of reframing which I kind of spoke to on th last episode about the stor that you tell yourself. I coul give you a perfect exampl friend of mine, we were talkin about a situation that she wa trying to resolve where she ha someone in her life who keep imposing on her and her husband And it is a friend. So obviousl she doesn't want to hurt hi feelings or whatever. But sh really needs to establish mor boundaries. And I realized thinking about this after the fact that we were both trying to brainstorm ways to do this to avoid discomfort. I mean, I guess I realized that today, when I was sitting down writing out some Notes for this episode, I was like, oh, man, we were only exploring options that minimized discomfort for everybody involved. Of course, you want to be compassionate and respectful to somebody else's feelings. But in reflecting on my own follies in this area, having you know been down this road myself many times. I realized when you avoid the discomfort you what you get is an inordinate and unnecessary amount of discomfort later when you blow up like a bomb that's been ticking. Because, you know, you're like, I don't want to make anybody uncomfortable. I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. I don't want to be uncomfortable. And then when it finally comes out, you're just finding yourself screaming. I don't Like you get out, right? And that's way worse than it had that it could have been, if you would have just been willing to accept the discomfort that was necessary for the growth. So my challenge to you today is to think about that 1000 point scale. Where are you on the 1000 point scale? And where are you willing to journey through a little bit of discomfort to move further up the scale in to help to keep yourself from being one of the majority of people who only move about five points in their whole entire life of the potential 1000 points, you can move on that scale. So that's something fun to do have fun with it. And thank you for listening. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. New episodes of the five minute success mindset come out every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss one. And if you're an entrepreneur who's ready to create and crush the one year goal that puts your business on the map, check out Brillane. om and see what we can do for y u.

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