The Kristen Becker Podcast
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-Personal Development, Mindset & Psychology
-Higher Consciousness & Spiritual Growth
The Kristen Becker Podcast
Own Your Self Worth And Light Up The World!
Join me as we explore profound insights on how magical you truly are, so you can take ownership of your unique brilliance. Discover how self-worth acts as a catalyst for personal growth, empowerment, and positive impact, ultimately creating a ripple effect that spreads far and wide. Tune in and embark on a journey of self-discovery, as we unlock the secrets to illuminating your self-worth and embracing the extraordinary life you deserve.
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In this episode, we are going to talk about who you truly are, what you are truly capable up, leveling your self-concept in this way will absolutely blow the doors off your life. Everything changes as you step more and more into acceptance of who you truly are. Now I'm going to share something. I'm actually going to read something to you. It is the quote that I had printed on my son's prayer card. Am I correct? When we had a celebration of life. And the reason I wanted to open this episode with this is because if you've had a profound loss in your life, you've also probably been struck with this overwhelming awareness of just how magical that human being truly is. Right. And the whole experience of life, and hopefully you can take from that by extension, an understanding of how magical you truly are. Right. I hope we don't need to have these types of experiences to do this. My hope is that in some way, by sharing this with you, it will help you to have this awareness of yourself without the experience of having to lose someone to have it. But nonetheless, I'm going to go ahead and read this to you. Do my best not to start crying. And this is from the book The Alchemist. My son Cody passed away in 2018, and he was a delight. He struggled in life. He had an addiction, and there were many, many challenges. However, just profoundly in my heart, my awareness of him, both before his passing and certainly clearly after, was just wow, what a magnificent light of consciousness. I'm so glad that we had time together And this is the passage. We are travelers on a cosmic journey. Stardust swirling and dancing in the eddies. Whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment. To encounter each other. To meet, to love, to share this. This is a precious moment. It is a little parentheses in eternity. Now, if that passage resonates with you at all. If it moves you at all, if it makes you think of someone, I hope the person that it makes you think of is you. Because when we start to step outside the small self-concept and really broaden our understanding of who we are to this powerful, amazing, miraculous, creative light of consciousness that we all really, really are, then it completely changes the experience that we're having right here, right now. And I like to think of it as the 30,000 foot view. So, for example, if my neighbor is grinding my last nerve from this view, it can just be frustrating. All I can see is the frustration and the overwhelm. But as I lean more into my understanding of myself as my higher self, as this more expansive part of the universe and all of energy and consciousness, then from that 30,000 foot view, I can be a little bit more compassionate. I can say, you know, I know they have things going on I don't know about or understand, and I could be more compassionate to myself and say, Hey, girl, you know, we're not here for this. We are here to expand, you know, to be more free. And I can free myself more easily from that situation because my concept of myself is being informed. Kind of like having a coach that is like your soul coach or your higher self coach, right? Informing yourself. So as you expand your self-concept to include that part of yourself, then you're really expanding all the possibilities in your life in a really exponential fashion. as I mentioned, I think it was in episode one of this three part series, when you have a very limited self-concept, it's like trying to move through a carpet. And then in the second part of the series, we talked about practical, everyday ways to upgrade your self-concept to free you from the carpet. And this is just you're like soaring, right? When you move into this higher self-concept, there is no pit, right? It's completely different. So then you might say, well, how do you do that? There's no right or wrong way, as with everything. One thing I've definitely found to be huge for me is meditation. And what I find is that when I'm not meditating, I get really stuck and really back into the habit of the smaller self really quickly. And then I say, Oh, okay, it takes time. You know, lay down and meditate this afternoon, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow morning, tomorrow evening. And then all of a sudden it's like, oh no, I don't know. No, I, I was upset, you know, I see it, I feel it. I experience it completely differently from this point of view of my higher self. Because as we meditate, we become more connected with consciousness, less us, write more. Part of the whole Cho dispenser has a way that he states that I'm really drawing a blank on what it is. Oh, he says. Less matter. Right. More particle or energy, Something like that. But it is definitely true. And this could be starting anywhere if you don't have a meditation practice, even just to be mindful and to sit, be quiet, or go out in nature and listen to the birds and let yourself get lost. And that's really all meditation is. It's like really losing your identity and getting lost and just being in this full spectrum element of being another great example. I don't personally bike per se, but someone who's a mountain biker or a speed biker or a road biker bicyclist. Right? I've heard them talk about this experience. It sounds exactly the same to me. There's nothing else matters. They are so in the zone. I've been in the zone when I've been gardening. So anything you could do to really get yourself out of your head and in a more expanded sense of yourself. Also just things like prayer, sharing, meaningful experiences with other people. I know I get really lost with my kids. We're just having fun in the living room, joking and, you know, an hour later I'm like, Oh, well, then where the time go? I was not trying to be Christian, right? I was completely, really present in that experience and allowing my higher self, I think, to to be there and to soak up all this energy, all this love. no matter how you do this, how you lean into this idea of I have a higher self, I am part of something much greater. I am expansive, I am powerful, I am creative, I am consciousness, I am pure energy. Any way that you want to start stepping into that idea or step more into that idea, you are stepping away from the small self, from the limited self from that target, and you really do start to realize that it it was an idea, right? It is. It is a version of reality that was being passed through a very limited filter. and I think that it's very important that you do this because you're not just doing this for yourself. Of course, you deserve all of this to step so fully into your magnificence and realize that and own that and embody that. And also when we do that, it affects everyone's lives around us, the people in our lives, our family, neighbors, friends, our children, the people whose lives we impact in anything that we do in any capacity that we are functioning in life. We're always going to be be able to bring so much more to it. The more we can expand our self-concept. So I share that because I want you to realize it's important for all of us that you do this. It's not a selfish thing to do. It really benefits everyone. So I hope you are willing and able to see how magnificent you really are to expand your sense of yourself. This is part three of a three part series. If by some crazy chance you haven't heard or seen the other two parts, definitely go back and check them out and I'll see you in the next episode.