The Kristen Becker Podcast
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-Personal Development, Mindset & Psychology
-Higher Consciousness & Spiritual Growth
The Kristen Becker Podcast
Believing in Yourself: Recognizing Your Strengths and Skills to Achieve Your Dreams
In this episode, we explore the importance of believing in yourself and recognizing your strengths and skills to achieve your dreams. The truth is that you have already done so much and come so far! We tend to lose sight of that, and in this episode, we’re going to “look again” together!
Overall, this episode aims to inspire listeners to believe in themselves and recognize the power of their own abilities and talents. Whether you're struggling with self-doubt or looking to enhance your manifestation practice, you will surely gain valuable insights and practical guidance to support you on your journey.
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When it comes to making positive changes in your life, you don't have to kick the door open and go running in with your guns blazing. But you can, and you probably already have, you just didn't notice that that was what you were doing. It probably just looked a lot like life. And you just didn't notice. But hey, let's look again, together, shall we? And here's the thing. We don't give ourselves credit for our wins, growth, for how far we've come, and how often that we have broken through boundaries and borders and barriers, and expanded our horizons again and again and again, in our lives. And if we don't take the time to do this for ourselves, then we're not using all of our full potential to get to where we want to be. Because we have this incredibly false sense of fear, and incredibly false sense of doubt. That is holding us back. You already have the power, you already know the way you have gotten yourself where you want to be confidently 1000s of times before today, a fun way to do this can be to look at it in a linear fashion. So let's start all the way back to beginning. Let me ask you, is there somebody that's pushing you around in a stroller today? Yeah, me neither. Right. So we've both learned walk Hell yeah. And consequently, now that I think about it, I've also mastered running, cartwheels skiing, meditation, yoga, think about it. Think about the things that you do with your body that you've learned over the years, and how you've expanded your horizons, you didn't just stay stuck in one aspect of your ability, you continue to push yourself and to grow and to expand and just work your way up through time just on this first question about your physical abilities. And, for example, I know that just in the last few months, I have mastered posture. Now, hello, this took me 50 years, okay, but I am doing it and it's a total game changer, I just didn't know. And I decided to start understanding it to start practicing to change my posture. And it's just wonderful. So spend some time having fun, going from the beginning up to where you are now. And looking at physical abilities where you have really pivoted, where you have created new, expansive possibilities in your own life, then, let's think about relationships. Yeah, let's open that can of worms. When you think about your relationships, what have you gotten clear on? When have you stood up for yourself, or someone else, or for change? Probably a million time I know that I used to put up with so much crap in my life. I truly thought that was just how life was. Then I started saying, Okay, well, I want change, I'm not going to consent to this. And I started walking away from things that I didn't want. And lo and behold, another game changer. And now it just seems crazy to me the things I used to do, the borders that I allowed myself to live with him, and I broke through them, I expanded, I kicked that door open. Maybe it didn't look like that at the time. But now that I reflect on, I'm like, Oh my gosh, there's a world of difference now, in my relationships, because of me because of the things I've done. And the same is true for you for all of us, which don't take the time to stop and take stock of it. It's easy to not notice. And I'm just inviting you to stop and ask yourself, well, where are my pivot points. And when have I committed and gone all in, they probably weren't big deals, you probably didn't notice other people probably didn't notice. But as you reflect back on them, you realize like, Whoa, that was a when I was celebrating that. In reflecting on my own life. I have this one incident that really stands out, I actually come back to it pretty frequently. And I love celebrating myself. Even though at the time, I didn't realize what a big deal it was. I didn't realize I was knocking on a door and coming in with guns blazing for myself. And here's what happened. I was on a first date with a fellow. And I had also just finished writing my book free Lark. And turns out writing books is hard. It's a lot of work. And it's just, it's a lot of filtering through your soul and translating that into words that make sense. And I was just feeling incredibly accomplished because he had just finished the book. And so I shared this I was really excited. You know, when we were at dinner, I was like, Oh man, I just finished writing this book. I'm so excited. It feels so good. Any sort of leaned back and he said, well look at you all full of yourself. And I thought, hmm, gee whiz. Wonder what this relationship would be like, clearly to me, not one that I want to get engaged with. And I made a decision even though I liked this guy. He was cute. He was fun hanging out with but I may had a decision that expanded my boundaries in relationships. At that moment, I finished dinner, I paid for my dinner. I thanked him for the nice evening. And that was the end of that he didn't notice I didn't make a big deal about it. I didn't say anything. Even at the time, I didn't make a big deal about it in my own mind. But now when I reflect on it, I think, wow, I really showed up for myself, I am so proud of myself. What a wonderful point of clarity on my self worth on what my expectations are for relationships and that sort of thing. And I'm sure that you have many, many, many things like this, that when you really reflect back, you're like, wow, I have showed up for myself time and time again, and I've expanded my boundaries. And I've pivoted, and I've created new options and opportunities for me and my life. So yeah, you don't have to kick the door down and run in with the guns blazing, and a big, big show how to create really powerful changes in your life. And without question, you have already done that for yourself. 1000s if not millions of times over and over again. And I invite you to take stock of that today.