The Kristen Becker Podcast
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-Personal Development, Mindset & Psychology
-Higher Consciousness & Spiritual Growth
The Kristen Becker Podcast
How To Update Your Beliefs And Manifest Faster (The Language Hack)
If you want to change your life, you need to change your beliefs.
But sometimes, it's hard to know how to go about doing that. In this episode, I share a simple language hack that will help you update your beliefs and manifest faster than ever before!
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Today I'm going to share a very simple practice that only takes a few moments every day. And it has a profound and radical shift on your beliefs on your identity, your competence, your very frequency and vibrations, and therefore, everything that you can accomplish in life and the ease and the rate at which you will accomplish it. If you start doing this for yourself every single day, you will achieve more in three months, then you have in the last three years. This is something you will find in my true north manifesting planner, the link for that is in the shownotes, it walks you through step by step through identifying and achieving a big goal that you're excited about, and updating your beliefs to support that goal. And this is so simple at the end of the day, which is the ideal time or in the morning, just because of the brainwave state that you're in, you want to look at your choices and actions, and you use this phrase, the more I, the more I or the less I the less I and then you complete it. And I'm going to give you an example. So it's really clear. So for example, you might say, the more I plan out my day, the more productive and creative I am, or the less I get on social media, the less stressed I am. And you can also combine these. So for example, you might say, the more I stick to my tasks, the less I doubt myself, I've just given you a couple of examples. And now I want to explain why it's so powerful. You are associating your own actions, your own choices with your desired results. So often in life, we just fly by the seat of our pants and don't think about what we've done, and how it really gets us closer to or further away from where we want to be. However, by doing this every single night, you are very clearly identifying, wow, I'm amazing this, the more I do this, the more I like the results that I'm getting. And you're going to end up doing more of that. And you're going to end up doing it more confidently and shifting your beliefs about your ability to do this. And this is all happening at a very small scale every day. It's just completely not threatening, unlike if we look at a belief and just try to be like, oh gosh, I see I have a limiting belief. I want to change it. This is a much easier, much more effective way to do that. So start reflecting on your day at the end of the day as you just reflect on what happened and perhaps what your wins and what your learnings were, and use this little system. The more I the more I the less I the less I and combo, the more I the less I or vice versa. I think you could see how it works. And just do this every single evening before you go to bed for yourself. Have fun with it. And I'll talk to you again soon.